Technicial Specifications
Today, in the rapidly changing and developing construction sector, facade designers, manufacturers and contractors have had to develop their methods and products in line with customer demands. One of the materials produced in this direction is UHPC panels. The design and calibration of UHPC panels, which have been implemented in Europe for more than 30 years, includes state-of-the-art concrete chemistry and micro / nano particle engineering to optimize chemical and mechanical bonds.

  • The panels, which can be produced in many different sizes and geometries, provide an aesthetic appearance in buildings.
  • Thanks to its unique formulation, it is very high strength.
  • It is resistant to aging thanks to its natural and mineral based raw materials.
  • It has high durability properties and is highly resistant to summer-winter cycles.
  • It is waterproof and has low water absorption capacity.
  • It provides easy workmanship with different application methods.

Application Systems